
Conservative Republicans of Maury County (CRMC) is not a business. The board or our members do not receive a penny. All donations are used to help support various functions performed by the club. All donations are appreciated.

We promise not to give 10% to the big guy!

Membership Benifits

  • Exclusive attendance to our monthly meetings where we will have guest speakers, a movie screening, or conservative grassroots information sharing.

  • Exclusive access to CRMC merch. The CRMC Leadership or the members receive a dime for our hard work. All donations help CRMC pay for our monthly meetings, guest speakers, and conservative grassroots actions.

  • We will help unite local voices to ensure conservative men and women are elected and supported.

  • CRCM strives to be a local grassroots club that unites local conservative Republicans and independents with like-minded individuals. Our monthly meetings are a great place to make new conservative friends.

  • At CRMC, we will always be honest and upfront with the community and our members. We do NOT give 10% to the big guy.

2024 Membership Donation


By becoming a member of CRMC, we will enroll you into our communication systems to alert you of upcoming meetings and local events. You can opt-out of communications if you desire, and we promise to NEVER share or sell your personal information.

The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”
”The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try and take it.
— Thomas Jefferson